[FURMIN: Fermin] is the story of our life that contains Korean history and art.

Begin the story of the folklore of the preserved treasures of the 19th century CHOSON.

It contains the beauty of nature as it will be folklore, the hope of human nature, and the faith of blessing that brings blessing.

FURMIN is a Korean painting of folk paintings that is designed with a fascinating picture and pattern. Furniture products such as tables, trays and partitions, Ilwal Obongdo is a new brand that is growing its product power with a line of goods such as smartphone cases, tiger pockets, and air pod cases. 

All the folk paintings of Fermin were recreated by digital printing on 100% of linen by the hand paintings of Fermin representative Cho Eunjung. Made with 100% weaving method for complete solidity. As a unique brand of Korean beauty, the living style recreated with folk painting is globalized Modernity and history (coexisting with history and adversity at the same time) It will establish itself as an eternal brand.

The Renaissance of 19th century art is a new and friendly life for our new generation as of the 21st century, and we hope for each other.


복이 되어 복을 주다

복을 닮아 복이 되다

복을 불러 복을 내다

복을 빌어 복을 짓다

퍼민의 가구들은 ‘복이 되어 복을 주는’ 실생활 가구가 되어 

행복한 삶의 일상을 만들어 드립니다.

Being blessed. 

Being the blessing. 

Korean Beauty, Exclusive Brand, Furmin


한국의 미 : 19세기 조선의 숨겨진 보물 민화를 한류 문화 콘텐츠와 연계한 독창적이고 실용적인 가구의 세계화

The Beauty of Korea: globalization of unique and practical furniture merging traditional folklore , a hidden treasure of 19th century Joseon, with contemporary Korean cultural contents. 

19세기 조선 스토리와 문화를 배경으로 한 디자인 요소

Design incorporating culture and stories of 19th century Joseon. 

민화 그림을 디지털 프린팅화 하여 생산성을 극대화, 합리적 가격으로 책정 가능한 시스템

Maximizing productivity and enabling reasonable pricing by digitally printing folklore painting. 

장인에 의해 원목 사용, 가장 견고한 짜임 기법으로 제조

Manufactured with solid wood used by craftsman and best weaving techniques. 

100% 린넨, 100% 원목 사용으로 친환경 가구

 Eco-friendly furniture with 100% linen and 100% solid wood.

FURMIN Co,. LTD ㅣ CEO: Cho Eunjung 

Address: 06162 FURMIN 4F Dongshin BLDG. 409, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business License Number: 813-87-01459

Mail-order-sales Registration Number: 2020-서울강남-03714호
Tel: +82-10-5779-1524 | E-mail: euny1524@gmail.com

Hosting by P&L Corporation

All Copyrights reserved FURMIN Co,. LTD

FURMIN Co,. LTD ㅣ CEO: Cho Eunjung 

Address: 06162 FURMIN 4F Dongshin BLDG. 409, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business License Number: 813-87-01459

Mail-order-sales Registration Number: 2020-서울강남-03714호
Tel: +82-10-5779-1524 | E-mail: euny1524@gmail.com

Hosting by P&L Corporation