Being blessed.
Being the blessing.
Korean Beauty, Exclusive Brand, Furmin
FURMIN is a Korean painting of folk paintings that is designed with a fascinating picture and pattern. Furniture products such as tables, trays and partitions, Ilwal Obongdo is a new brand that is growing its product power with a line of goods such as smartphone cases, tiger pockets, and air pod cases.
민화 그림을 디지털 프린팅화 하여 생산성을 극대화,
합리적 가격으로 책정 가능한 시스템
Maximizing productivity and enabling reasonable pricing by digitally printing folklore painting.
장인에 의해 원목 사용, 가장 견고한 짜임 기법으로 제조
Manufactured with solid wood used by craftsman and best weaving techniques.
100% 린넨, 100% 원목 사용으로 친환경 가구
Eco-friendly furniture with 100% linen and 100% solid wood.
간결한 프레임과 매칭 된 민화 판넬의 조화로움으로 탄생한 스마트한 가구부터 개성있고 소장가치 충분한 굿즈까지 퍼민의 독보적인 제품을 만나보실 수 있습니다.
FURMIN Co,. LTD ㅣ CEO: Cho Eunjung
Address: 06162 FURMIN 4F Dongshin BLDG. 409, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Business License Number: 813-87-01459
Mail-order-sales Registration Number: 2020-서울강남-03714호
Tel: +82-10-5779-1524 | E-mail:
Hosting by P&L Corporation
All Copyrights reserved FURMIN Co,. LTD
FURMIN Co,. LTD ㅣ CEO: Cho Eunjung
Address: 06162 FURMIN 4F Dongshin BLDG. 409, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Business License Number: 813-87-01459
Mail-order-sales Registration Number: 2020-서울강남-03714호
Tel: +82-10-5779-1524 | E-mail:
Hosting by P&L Corporation